JGooMap Pro

What can you do with JGooMap Pro? A lot! Add a Google Map to an content article is easy as a couple of clicks. JGooMap Pro offers many options to customize a Google Map. If you need one of the following directions A to B, custom markers and image overlays are only some of feature provided with this Joomla plugin. Please look at JGooMap Pro’s full feature list and a demo article showing most of the features.
JGooMap Pro has the ability to preset map’s width, height, and zoom level. If the article is in a different locale; then you can force the map to a specific supported locale. Plus you can also enable pinch zoom for iPhones and iTouches. The custom map can be set to default to one of the map types such as roads, satellite or hybrid of the two. Google Search bar Adsense is also possible to include into the map.
A full range of controls can be easily added to a Google map with the ability to change a control to an alternative position on the map. Google map has a wide range of controls that can be displayed depending are your needs.
There are a number of marker features available and by right clicking on the map and selecting add marker, the marker can be position anywhere on the map. If you require to change the title or the marker's information popup window this is possible as well. More robust content editing for information windows.
Customizing a marker’s image is possible with JGooMap Pro Tool. The marker's colors, dimensions and look can be dynamical changed. See an example article.
The are 3 types of marker types that you can select:
- Default
- Label
- Rounded label
If you have a specific logo or image that always appears regardless of the map’s location, you can us what is called a screen overlay. This will give you the ability to position the image in the map’s view port . If you like to display images in specific static location on the map, this is possible with the ground overlay option in JGooMap Pro. The image can be resized and precisely position on the map.
There is also the ability to display KML overlays and city support traffic overlays.
If you need to show your web users a particular route from point A to B. A simple click of the Add Route Toolbar button and then selecting the start and end of the journey. The optional direction text for the path can be display in the article as well. See an example route demonstration article.